Spammer Attacks Increasing????


Verbal Junk Author
Jul 3, 2006
Log in this morning,click the new posts and its loaded with spam attacks.

What Gives??????
From what I understand James updated some software and there was a hole in it. I'm sure he's working on it. PSA and BWB are getting hit too.

It must be that time of year to for companies to get some links out. A diesel forum with a level 2 PR rating is only good if they get like 12,000 total from other forums. However, if they are doing it in one full blast they lose. Stupid link farms.

Some of the vendors might want to look at their linking strategy and how thy post on a forum. Particularly this one.
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It must be that time of year to for companies to get some links out. A diesel forum with a level 2 PR rating is only good if they get like 12,000 total from other forums. However, if they are doing it in one full blast they lose. Stupid link farms.

Some of the vendors might want to look at their linking strategy and how thy post on a forum. Particularly this one.

In English, please???
Anything we can do to prevent the spammers, Rustin?

Just keep catching them and deleting them. The faster you do it the better you will be. I will look at a few things and get back to the forum with an answer.
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They are using this forum to point to their website. This way Google will say this website must be good if the diesel guys have a link.

Trying to use the "legitimacy" of this site to prove the worth of theirs kinda?
Trying to use the "legitimacy" of this site to prove the worth of theirs kinda?

Now your catching on. I think the way you described is best. Thank you for giving me another tool to explain to it others. I get the dear in the headlight look all to often. :Cheer:
Now your catching on. I think the way you described is best. Thank you for giving me another tool to explain to it others. I get the dear in the headlight look all to often. :Cheer:

Usually when I get the dear in the headlights look, it's because I'm about to run down my girlfriend.


I deserved that.:lolly:
Now your catching on. I think the way you described is best. Thank you for giving me another tool to explain to it others. I get the dear in the headlight look all to often. :Cheer:

I get to explain complicated stuff to idiots every single day, once I catch on I can usually dumb it down LOL
From what I understand James updated some software and there was a hole in it. I'm sure he's working on it. PSA and BWB are getting hit too.


I added a fix for psa and if it works I'll see about getting it installed on compd too.

Figured it was from opening up some addresses for some of the deployed overseas members but that was just on psa so the blitz of spammers isnt related to that I guess.

These guys spend tons of money to defeat the protection stuff we have against spammers. Kinda me vs euro/asia. Im a bit outnumbered :)

But will keep fighting !
I added a fix for psa and if it works I'll see about getting it installed on compd too.

Figured it was from opening up some addresses for some of the deployed overseas members but that was just on psa so the blitz of spammers isnt related to that I guess.

These guys spend tons of money to defeat the protection stuff we have against spammers. Kinda me vs euro/asia. Im a bit outnumbered :)

But will keep fighting !

Asia is enemy number one for spam posts. The amateurs use to hide their I.P. address, and then set up emails for these accounts. so if it gets destroyed they move on to another.

There is also automated software that will make two new members and it will have them engage in conversation with each other, so that it would like normal newbs.

The only thing I would say is separate the newb section and have it marked as do not follow, or secure it with an HTTPS. One could disable links on that section. Then make it so they have to talk about themselves and their truck in their own thread. once they reach the desired amount of posts and the mods are satisfied that they meet CompD standards. We all will be welcoming a new member introduced by the mods. Unfortunately I do not know if it is possible with this software.

If they can survive the mods chances are they will survive us. LOL

This will discourage any spammers because they have to really go through some hoops and it will be hard to pass the human factor.
The only drawback with limiting people to a sandbox till your sure they are legit is you would lose about 85% of new real members. Most people join a forum to talk in a thread they found via google or get involved in something that interested them. Newbie land isnt going to keep folks like that. Most dont join right off the bat and just watch till they feel ready to get involved and want to get in instantly. They will go elsewhere if they can't.

Locking them out for a time would stop all spam but would end up killing the sites in the long run.

Balancing against spam and keeping things fun for members is a rough balancing act.