215 pump rack plug thread . Would somebody post a link ?


Not enough time
Jun 20, 2012
I've been looking for it this morning without luck. Ctdyounggun posted a link on it also I think. It goes over myths about the rack plug etc. I thought I saved the link

I found one thread titled 215 myths but that is not the same one I was thinking of .

I'm sure it was a Comp d thread 4-5 years old maybe

Thanks - mike
I remember the thread... I will say I know when I sent my 215 pump to Seth it came back with a new plug, even though it was supposed to be the mack plug in it from factory.
I read through several threads this morning some where Seth was sharing some info but there was one thread in which he explains the misinformation about the 215
I looked through all my threads for you, thought I commented on it.. seems like most of the old threads are missing or deleted? Maybe in a archive. Who knows
Glad this came up as I was going to buy a kit

I bought a magnetic degree wheel from power driven diesel that fits the dampener if you don't want to use a marker. I've done it the dial indicator way in the past But I'm trying the wheel next.