P-PUMP and Parts for sale


New member
May 9, 2009
i have billet pushrods that will only work on a p-pump 7.3 liter $302, i also have injectors that will only work in a p-pump set up for a 7.3 liter PSD, but may work in something else, not sure, the injectors are 9mm tips,6 hole 19's out of a 8.3 liter Case Cummins $1,800, and then i have a John Deere V8 inline bosch pump,this pump has been completly gone threw by Area Desiel Services in Carlinville,Illinois...it has new fuel delivery valves, new regrind camshaft,13mm barrels and plungers, has been bench and flow tested and flows between 300cc-950cc...$4700 obo... i paid $300 for the pump, and $4,400 for all machine work done to the pump, it is ready to go......the other parts im keeping for my huei, and some of the other parts Dave at Wipe Out is buying, any questions send me a pm...the only reason im selling is because it has got too expensive for me...i may take a year off havent decided...
ok, i work till sunday, then i go home, so ill try to get those pics on here monday, thanks

Here are pictures of the 8 pencil injectors, they have 9mm tips
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This is the p-pump pics you were asking for. its a John Deere V8 inline bosch pump,this pump has been completly gone threw by Area Desiel Services in Carlinville,Illinois...it has new fuel delivery valves, new regrind camshaft,13mm barrels and plungers, has been bench and flow tested and flows between 300cc-950cc...$4700 obo... i paid $300 for the pump, and $4,400 for all machine work done to the pump, it is ready to go..... let me know if your interested!!



Here are the pics of the pencil injectors for the p-pump 7.3 PSD, but may work in something else, not sure, the injectors are 9mm tips,6 hole 19's out of a 8.3 liter Case Cummins $1,800 let me know if your interested!!!!
The pushrods have been sold!!!
what kind of machining do you have to do to put these injectors in a 7.3 head. i don't think they look like a drop in injector. also i am guessing that you need to bend your own lines for a setup like this? interested in doing this setup possibly in the future
any pictures of it installed?.. what gear case are you using?.. This is probably over my two friends abilities after looking at the info...
what kind of machining do you have to do to put these injectors in a 7.3 head. i don't think they look like a drop in injector. also i am guessing that you need to bend your own lines for a setup like this? interested in doing this setup possibly in the future

must have bushings, o-rings, and hold downs custom made, Area Diesel Services in Carlinville, Illinois does alot of them..and yes, you will have to bend your own injections lines....
any pictures of it installed?.. what gear case are you using?.. This is probably over my two friends abilities after looking at the info...

dont have any pics of install, and if you are refering to gear case as front cover and gears, then i got that threw Dave at Wipe Out Enterprise......
swamps is also building a front cover and gear set for all that now if some one is interseted in it.
they basically unveiled it for TS, I haven't heard any price quotes yet. but they designed a front cover to accept heui pumps, dual cp3's, or a p-pump, all you have to do is swap a plate an a gear don't even have to pull the engine to do the swap, once you have the front cover installed. basically so a guy can slowly build towards big horse power by building an engine and the when he gets more money saved up he can get a new fuel delivery system of his choice.

here it is on an engine with dual cp3's.
notice it is set up for a water pump and they also have there new Bed plate on it to help hold the bottom end together



check out here
Billet front cover... - Powerstroke Nation
thats sweet, i figured there was someone out there doing some figuring on how to get common rail to these older powerstrokes...maybe they will buy my p-pump....thanks for the info, ill give jonathon a call sometime....