scheid 09 afterparty vid ticks me off

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We didn't have private access to the track untill Sunday...they ran their regular programs both days.

I'm going to propose a smoke contest at some of the bigger events next year....maybe offering up some cash or prizes will help things improve...maybe not...but it's worth a shot.

a smoke contest was held at yankee lake ohio a week ago. for the small number of diesels actually there, a LOT of trucks participated. they had room to blow black, smoke the tires...whatever. more things like this that the AVERAGE guy can participate in closed course is what is needed.
Yep...we drove through and talked to a few people that we knew there. None of that stuff was going on then and I didn't do it in my truck...despite many people asking.

And you can hate on my show-n-shine stuff all you want...the people that hate are generally the ones that can't afford to do what I do.
If you think it's so "easy" to do what I did at a truck to beat me next year. I'll throw in a thousand bucks cash if you beat me either day.
Put up or shut up kid.
Ha yeah I don't have the money to do I don't think I could afford the constant parts breakage.:hehe:
What did you do to stop it? At least Rich was there competing in something, show and shine or not. He wasn't just there for spring break. Did you compete?

he and and another of my friends both ran at the tracks' diesel fun night saturday night.
What did you do to stop it? At least Rich was there competing in something, show and shine or not. He wasn't just there for spring break. Did you compete?

I'm not the one who *****s on every thread thats started, so I did nothing besides get drunk, I also was there to watch my buddy Calvin Miller pull, and drag raced saturday night. :Cheer:
Ha yeah I don't have the money to do I don't think I could afford the constant parts breakage.:hehe:

I recognize the sarcasm....doesn't make you any less of a douche for bagging on what I do.
I don't rag on sled pullers that don't drag race...or racers that don't sled pull....don't really get why everyone rags on what I do.
Jealousy ? Probably.......

Tell ya what smartass....make it 5 grand cash if you beat me next year.

That make it worth your while ?
It's so easy and all......

My 5 plus the grand or so for winning the show would make it a very productive weekend for you.

Get that truck in your sig ready to have almost a year.
1:46 is the biggest idiot in the video besides the clown in the black tee who thinks he is running the show! I think it is funny as hell. I don't aprove of this at all, i just find more humor in the leval of "coolness" these kids think they are. especially the p.o.s chevy 2wd. Looks like a D Bag Fest at the local hair care and tire repair shopping mall store place... ish.
I recognize the sarcasm....doesn't make you any less of a douche for bagging on what I do.
I don't rag on sled pullers that don't drag race...or racers that don't sled pull....don't really get why everyone rags on what I do.
Jealousy ? Probably.......

Tell ya what smartass....make it 5 grand cash if you beat me next year.

That make it worth your while ?
It's so easy and all......

My 5 plus the grand or so for winning the show would make it a very productive weekend for you.

Get that truck in your sig ready to have almost a year.

What if I enter and win in your side bet? Do I get 5g's too?
I recognize the sarcasm....doesn't make you any less of a douche for bagging on what I do.
I don't rag on sled pullers that don't drag race...or racers that don't sled pull....don't really get why everyone rags on what I do.
Jealousy ? Probably.......

Tell ya what smartass....make it 5 grand cash if you beat me next year.

That make it worth your while ?
It's so easy and all......

My 5 plus the grand or so for winning the show would make it a very productive weekend for you.

Get that truck in your sig ready to have almost a year. if I beat you I get 5 grand no matter you win or lose? I suppose I could throw an extra coat of wax on the rig that weekend. Tell ya what throw in a case of bood light and I'm there.
JasonCzerak said:
What if I enter and win in your side bet? Do I get 5g's too?

Nope...just this mouthpiece.
I don't rag on anyone for whatever they decide to compete in...and I'm sick of hearing it about what I compete in. It's not like I was the only damned truck in the show that weekend....whay aren't they catching hell ?

Everyone thinks you just drive cross country...enter and win.

I bet I spent more time getting ready for that show that anyone else that was there...probably 40 hours over 2 weeks just detailing....followed by 4 more Friday morning.

So...if this kid thinks it's so damned easy...I'll PAY him to beat me. if I beat you I get 5 grand no matter you win or lose? I suppose I could throw an extra coat of wax on the rig that weekend. Tell ya what throw in a cash of bood light and I'm there.

Uhhh...if you beat me then obviously I didn't win. Nice reading comprehension skills ya got there.

The show is judged by Genos people...not the crowd.
I'll one up your case of beer with a bottle of Crown XR....same thing I celebrated with my friends with this year. That's another 180 bucks in the pot.

I'm not saying win the show...I'm simply saying out score me on the score sheet.

It's easy remember.......

I've won it 3 consecutive times but whatever.........
Uhhh...if you beat me then obviously I didn't win. Nice reading comprehension skills ya got there.

The show is judged by Genos people...not the crowd.
I'll one up your case of beer with a bottle of Crown XR....same thing I celebrated with my friends with this year. That's another 180 bucks in the pot.

I'm not saying win the show...I'm simply saying out score me on the score sheet.

It's easy remember.......

I've won it 3 consecutive times but whatever.........

I was also attending, and had talked with rich, and there is simply a reason why his truck wins. if you havent seen it in person maybe you should...hell I even herd one genos guy say I hate to say it but my vote is going to that black ford over there.... I will admit I was drinking and watching burnouts, it seems to me that the cops were also lletting some of this go on. I was staying at the holiday inn and the cops really wernt one anyones a$$ about doing around 2-2:30 he came back and had asked all of us nicely to stop the burnouts, and have fun drinking in the parking lot for how ever long you want! In this vid it comes to mind that the cops may have been doing the same thing, because with that amount of burnouts back to back Im pretty sure they would have been shutting ut down right away!! imo...congrats on the win again rich
News flash...public drunk and reckless driving is already illegal. Call the cops.
a smoke contest was held at yankee lake ohio a week ago. for the small number of diesels actually there, a LOT of trucks participated. they had room to blow black, smoke the tires...whatever. more things like this that the AVERAGE guy can participate in closed course is what is needed.

I got sidetracked and missed this post. I'd love to give it a shot.
It would give the crowd something to watch in between rounds for sure.
As the day winds down in eliminations and fewer trucks are running...we need something to fill in to give the Pro teams time to get ready to run again. You can't ask those guys to hot lap their trucks ya know ?
Believe me...Timbeaux stresses endlessly over how to keep the crowds interest up in the later rounds of the day when the teams need their cool-down time.

A few gift certificates or something or a cash payout could hopefully get people motivated to show off in front of the crowd instead of in a parking lot.
Hell...the magazine guys are always there at the bigger could even get a mag shot out of the deal.

Sounds like a win/win to me.
at redding this weekend i only saw one guy do a burnout and he got kicked out right away. he entered the burnout contest, and did horrible then as he was turning around he did a burnout right next to a bunch of little kids. no one saw him after that and the guy on the intercom called him a jackass and to get the hell out of the strip now. lol everyone behaved here in california.
Someone said ealier that "You can't Fix Stupid" I'll add "Stupid is as Stupid Does". I belive our sports future is looking dark as if a clowd of Diesel smoke just blew over. I guess all the underage drunks and rednecks gone wild had better live it up while they can. I give it 2 more years at most.:kick:*bdh*
i spent $1400 on tires before i went up to way in hell i was doing a burnout to make some redneck happy. and for smoke..there is a time and place for it. and filling up some family's car full of smoke..not cool.
First of all Rich's truck earned the show and shine, but that is beside the point. I think they (any of the big shows organizers) would do well if they had a big pad of concrete put up big barriers and let guys burnout all day. Put a big sign "You will be on youtube!!" Heck I'll stand out there and hold spray a water hose all day and get a videograher. They do something stupid elsewhere they get towed. Plain and simple. Give them a place to let out the pent up fun on a day except for Sunday. The crowd would love it.
I was also attending, and had talked with rich, and there is simply a reason why his truck wins. if you havent seen it in person maybe you should...hell I even herd one genos guy say I hate to say it but my vote is going to that black ford over there.... I will admit I was drinking and watching burnouts, it seems to me that the cops were also lletting some of this go on. I was staying at the holiday inn and the cops really wernt one anyones a$$ about doing around 2-2:30 he came back and had asked all of us nicely to stop the burnouts, and have fun drinking in the parking lot for how ever long you want! In this vid it comes to mind that the cops may have been doing the same thing, because with that amount of burnouts back to back Im pretty sure they would have been shutting ut down right away!! imo...congrats on the win again rich

I dunno dude. the first and only time I've seen his truck in person it was rather disappointing

So, if smoking out a is bad... - Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together

Not to mention slow.

Rich, got any suggestions for the claw marks in my ohh-chit handle you left when I took ya for a test drive in my truck? :)
It'll be interesting to see if even half of the burnout crowd would show up for a "regulated" burnout contest because it simply lacks the Spring Break atmosphere: borderline illegal activity, tearing up someone else's property, and public drunkenness and partying at way past midnight.

Dockboy hit the nail on the head.

Can someone explain why this burnout stuff needs to happen at all?

As a sledpuller I can respect drag racing, and I think I can even respect the show truck guys, but this tire burning smoky drunk party thing ain't nothin' but the pure riffraff of the hobby. Maybe they should go hang with the ricer crowd instead.
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