03 swap into an late 05


Still spooling..
Nov 30, 2009
My friend totaled his 03 and is the process of swapping the engine and trans into an 05 with no engine. He has both full wiring harnesses but most of the plugs dont match with the 03 engine on the 05.

What does he need to do to get this back on the road? I told him to swap the entire harness from the 03 to the 05 and ditch all that 05 stuff but he seems to think it wont work. What he does have going for him is that both were manual trans.

Another problem is that the throttle pedal is mechanical on the 03 and electronic on the 05.

I thought people were always swapping CR's around into other years so how do they do it?

I havent had time to help him dig into it so I dont really know whats going on with the whole project.


Just needs to swap the 05 harness onto the 03 engine would be the best bet.