$10,000 Added by Smarty - Marco / Bob - Thank you!!!!!

Cool ! Thanks Bob and Marco! It would great if we could get some more sponsors involve and get it up to 50 grand. I am thinking the guys that weren't sure about getting into this race are having second thoughts about it now. Maybe we will have some late entries show up. If we do end up with the purse up close to the mark I am sure it will help get more people interested in future races.
Freaking awesome... great to see this kind of support for our sport!
This will possibly make a better case for a divided payout as well... More to go around..

I know there is a debate about it, personally I love to see several folks a bit richer..

It'll get voted on by the competitors....
Bob and Marco, thank you very much!! Fella's, let's all make some phone calls to various companies within our sport and ask for any amount of donation. Jeff and I are working our butt's off to get the purse to 50K. Help us help you. Gary
Awesome! Thanks Bob and Marco! This time next week I'll be in FL getting ready for some test runs!
That is great!!!! Way to step up to the plate guys....This is the kind of support the sport needs!
Seems like this has rattled some cages in the industry!!!

More to come folks! :)

But this is By FAR the largest I think we'll see or have ever seen!

Man! I'm excited!