2015 Deletes Available?


Jan 22, 2007
Buddy just rolled into work with a brand new 2015 3500. What's available out there for them? I don't see much.

I 'bout p:ssed myself when I saw the fuel cap. Rahtarded.
Apparently it is not needed once the truck is done with assembly.


2009 and newer Ford Excapes are the same way.

Doesnt seem like a good idea, seems like it would get a ton of dirt around it causing fuel contamination issues.

Sound fine for pavement princesses....but for those who actually work a truck and live off the beaten path it sounds like an appetite for destruction.

They will all be recalled in a few years.
I run mine off road all the time out in the desert and in the mountains and don't really get any dust in the fuel door.
What Ram should have done is made the door lock when shut. Then have a fuel door button inside the cab. Dust hasn't been the issue so much as having no way to prevent someone from contaminating.
So, stuff a heavy rag in there to keep the possibility of dirt/dust contamination down.
Then you'll have something for when you invariably spill some fuel.


Was talking to a salesmen at Dave Smith about a 15, and he sent me this pic. Said they are putting them on the trucks as they sell them.

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I bought one of the Hard Way billet caps. I could not see leaving no cap on it.