2015 Panzer Softail Custom

One of my biggest regrets was selling my Harley when we had kids and I didn't ride it. Oh how I'd love to ride it now. Don't give it away. Just enjoy it when you can.
i'd like to keep it, only costs $40/month for insurance.
i do enjoy riding it when I can, but the older i get, i feel the road more and more. I don't have enough natural cushion on me to enjoy riding on the roads in my area anymore. Adjusting the suspension and upgrading rear shock can only go so far.

Wife quit her job last year when the twins were born at 25 weeks 6 days and spent 108 days in the NICU. She's a stay at home mom because she'd be working for daycare $ if not.

We're maxing out the space in her GMC Terrain so she'll need a bigger vehicle in the near future, she's been eying a mini van and with the high interest rates i'd prefer to finance the least amount as possible.

If i trade it in with her terrain i would be basically giving it away because the salesmen already told me that they'd send it to auction since its a "spec const" build bike.