3 pcs manifold leaking...


Diesel NON-Pro
Aug 13, 2006
I thought I had a pic of it from the rebuild but I don't. I'll take one tomorrow if need be.
It's a 3 piece aftermarket that came on the truck, but it leaks at both "connection points" for the outer cylinders. When I rebuilt the motor I tried to pull it apart and it wasn't happenin'. Any ideas how to stop this? I know I'm losing drive pressure, but what to do?
Also, the V-band connection to downpipe has soot all over it, indicating a leak. It's tight as sh!t, should I be looking for a stainless mesh gasket to go here?
they put those manifolds together with a heating and cooling process, a good diesel shop should be able to re seal it. or worst case weld it together.

are you sure the v band isnt bottoming out on itself, meaning is the v part of the band tightening so much its touching the other side and not letting it clamp all the way?

or your dp is on a bad angle and causing a gap, make sure the exhaust is hung so the dp is perfectly flat the the turbo
Yea I don't know of any good diesel shop around here..

As for the DP, the v-band it's touching itself, there's plenty of space. It just must be the weight of the rest pulling it away. I'll have to get another hanger on there and see if that solves it.