4 ring Accumulator


the god father
Nov 20, 2007
Why do some transmission builders use 4 ring accumulator pistons while others keep the stock plastic one and remove the top ring. Thanks Chris
i would like to here about this also, i do know the one ring will drop in the snap ring groove and it is toast after that..
Looks like I should have asked about how to make smoke.

But really nobody knows?
PM rockinMC he doesnt read much here but he is a great tranny builder and can help you with your question, I dont know the dodge units well
I can tell you why they use the 4 ring.
It is because pressure is applied to them in the upper gears, and if the stock setup is leaking it cuases clutch failure.
I never heard of the rings getting caught.
Rings only get caught if you get in a hurry installing the piston.
i didn't even think about it, just slid it in and pop it was seated in the snap ring groove.