6.7 issues


New member
Jul 15, 2012
have a 08 6.7 has a new fass 150 which puts out good psi and a new cp3 pump. now the truck will only for 20secs at a time no codes????
Do you have a lift pump pressure gauge for it? If you don't, I'd get one or make one so you can see what is going on. Test it where it feeds the CP3. That will rule out a lot. Things like circuit breakers on pump will do that. They will run until they trip then reset when you cycle the key.
Sounds like a blockage then. I take it you are testing PSI right at the CP3 inlet?
testing at the pump. pulled the line off at the cp3 and its flowing tons of fuel
kinda old but the feed and return lines sound backwards...


straight flange is going to take up more engine bay room

stay away from gate plates.


are these still available?

still have the damper?

what year?

250s sold

great generator ive had mine forever with no issues
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