870 Case


New member
Hey Guys, sorry not really performance so feel free to move if in the wrong area.

I bought a 870 case about two years ago, had about 7200 hours on it. Runs well and worked great. But now the coolant decided it was lonely and dumped itself into the crank case. It was run like this until the water temps rose thats when we found the issue. So needless to say I'm looking at a rebuild or a R&R with a used engine. No idea what the used engine has for hours on it as it came out of a cab fire. They did bench run it though and said theres no blow by. Time is a bit of a issue since we use it for feeding and moving snow (already had 24" hit the ground this last month). So do I pay the $4500-5000 for a rebuild and hope the block is ok and corroded out, or pay $2500 for the used engine and risk it (guy figured another $1500 in labor for the swap).
