9.38 @ 146 for a Duramax???

Needed a tripod on that camera. Nice run Trent. Bring it to RMR next weekend.

60 - .98 ( BS )
1/8 5.924
1/8 113.29
1/4 9.388
1/4 146.022

Any one have any thoughts ???????????????????????????


Buck's truck runs

1.3x 60'
6.0x 1/8
116mph 1/8

He is about 400 - 500 lbs heavier but pretty much everything else is the same. Got plenty of slips all bunched together with like times so I would say something is wrong with yours, as the numbers just do not line up. It happens to all of us at one time or another but I am sure that you are solidly into the 9's. A guess would be the 60 got tripped by the rear tires instead of the front or the smoke from the other lane screwed the lights up. The video shows the wind blowing the smoke over into your lane pretty good.
Congrats! That MPH is a huge accomplishment! Being able to go out for a night of racing at the level your truck is at, and not going home broken is quite a feet in itself! Good Job!
Gotta give Trent props...even if you add 6 tenths (making it a 1.58) that would still mean he ran a 9.98....hopefully someday soon he'll have that timeslip!
I am sure it's just a matter of time before he has a slip with proper times that shows a 9. He has the MPH to run it as is, just needs a proper time slip. Look how many passes Quarterman made before he got a slip that showed what we all knew he was running.
Just got home thanks all for the congrats I was, and am still very proud of what was accomplished ! Regardless of what time it really was , all i have to say is its not worth arguing over i will post what i know as of this point and am going back to Sac or Boise in a month to try to validate something .

Lets start by comparing the 2 runs with the same MPH

on the 10.50 i tried to heat my rear tires , according to Randy i never got the water off of my tires and the were covered in water , when i launched i blew through the tires in first and second gear , hit the rev limiter twice the truck defueled to 12mm3 both times , then the truck took off like a rocket to the tune of 10.5 @ 146 , in the log you can see each defuel event lasted .6 sec( if the log time is correct ) .

I then dropped tire pressure 6 psi at every corner , left 300 rpm harder and the truck hooked great and pulled way harder than it ever has , the only thing in the log that looks to have cost me ET was the 1-2 shift which only de-fueled to 83 mm3 this time as opposed to 12mm3 in the last run, and lasted .3 sec instead of .6 ( according to logs ) the rest of the run I had no other shifts that were "slow" and the truck generally felt perfect . so as you can see there was a substantial difference between the 2 runs and cant even be compared to each other , the only way to settle this is to get back out to a "Fast" track and try again ASAP but in the truck red lit in the first place from the converter surging , i could barely stage it was doing it clear through staging , that's the main reason i didn't beg for another run , so the converter needs to be sent to Precision and be checked out before i can go back out , but it felt fine when loading the truck up so ........ that is why it will take me a while , and have top get alot of paying stuff done first .

Once again Thanks every one , and thanks to all the guys in Calli for warm welcome , it's a great group of guys out there !
What does the truck normally 60' Trent? that is some badass MPH bro!
I think he was 60 footing about 1.65 with the first to second "Duramax hop" in full effect.
What does the truck normally 60' Trent? that is some badass MPH bro!

I have only had the truck out twice and dont even have a base line really ,they have been in the 1.60 range and traction hasn't been the issue so far except for a few times from water on the tires and such, I am leaving at 2900-3k but boost is low ( 15-20 ) I need to tighten the converter a touch i think , I have a total of about 13 runs on it so far , I haven't even touched the 4link and i know it needs a some tweaking from were its at now , I have not gotten settled in it enough to have a base really , I was cutting mid 1.5's last year on a far less setup and HP and think the truck will get down to the 1.3-1.4 range but it will take me quite some time to get it setup right .
Trent, what gear are you running?

I wonder what kind of trap speed you could run with a 3.42 gear.

Regardless of what happened, those were some awesome runs Trent!

I saw the run from the staging lanes, and it was pretty clearly a rear wheel start. He pushed through (and was still trying to hold it) once the tree was activated, then went ahead and launched. Because of that hesitation (and the fact that he was now about 1' or more past the first beams) he could have gotten slightly better mph with a full run (since he gave up at least 1' of accelerating distance). You can probably add the difference in 60' times to get a rough idea of the true ET, which was probably still in the 9's.

Michael Pliska