

need a trailer
May 25, 2007
I read thru some of the treads and here everyone going back to Iraq. So am I the only one here in Afghanistan? If your here either put down your location or pm it to me.

I am in Southern Afghanistanin the big city. You can figure that one out I am sure.
be safe over there man and from the way the security is degrading over there (you guys are doing fine just alot of the assholes here are going there) it sounds like alot more people (including us KBR) will be headed your way within a year......cause right now we are only legally allowed to be here til 11:59:59 December 31st 2011.......after that........yeah......its gonna be like a 17 year old on prom night........were gonna pull out and leave nothin but a mess.......
I was in Kabul the other day...and then again a couple days later...does that count???
My little brother thinks he is going to get deployed there afte rSOI but is unsure as of yet. Keep your head down and thanks.
i just joined so im a lil new at this. Just wanted to tell johnnyfoxtrot i just got back to the states bout 4 weeks ago. i was down in south Afghan, west of the big city.
We took atrip out there west to Helmund to Lash to run Taliban off. Well if you make it past Kabul to here Let me know it seems we ate at KAF atleast once a week or more getting vehicles fixed.
I have a friend who is in Afghanistan right on the Pakistan border, not sure exactly where. Thanks for you service.:clap:
If its in the south its probally Spin Boldak. Especially if he works for Blackwater.
spent a year out in zhari with the NYARNG, got a few buddies still there and now in lash.... KAF blows, too many people not doing anything but wanting to be recognized for something, lol. west of the city is indian country lol
If its in the south its probally Spin Boldak. Especially if he works for Blackwater.

He's not with Blackwater, Army Infantry 101st airborne I think, I don't think he's ever mentioned exactly where he is, just that they have to fly everything to them by helicopter and they're a stones throw from Pakistan.
OPSEC? Info Awareness training? Anyone sit through hours of boring a** classes and wonder why? Chill before we start seeing GPS #'s of our favorite hiding spots.

Be safe!
Well as you say it you won't see that from me this is not my first trip doing this. Oh and if you think the bad guys don't know where we live in FOB's or COP's your very mistaken. I have also not found a GPS on any Taliban or anyone in Iraq. Thanks for your concern but if the government was to worried about it sites like Google Earth wouldn't operate. I can get on there and look at the trailers I lived in at Camp Victiory and Tq. There is also a difference about talking about past misions vs. future missions. Past is ok unless deemed Sectret or TS.
The GPS comment was somewhat rhetorical. But when we're in country our youngins are read the riot act about email. I'm 40 so yes, the majority of Marines that I work with are "youngins" :D. Again, bring you and yours home safe. Take care.
I will I am also 30 and have 9 kids here with me under me. I know where I can step and can't. I have been under control of Marines in the past and was not impressed a bit. The word Kid come to mind more than Trained Killer. Its nice to have them around sometimes. I will be safe and if your here or around be safe yourself.
I have a friend out there..I just want to say thanks for protecting our Country and be safe out there..:Cheer:
I am up north, mazer-i sharif, this is my second tour, iwas down in RC east about a year and a half ago, Ghazni, wardak, metarlam, who are you deploied with IL??
Yes I was or am still going home next month. I was part of the advance 33rd to come ove only just over 200 of us. I think some of our guys are there where you are. I am in B.Co from Effingham, Il.
Some might call them kids but I bet they don't in a fire fight, not much more secure that being around people that know how to safe and watch your 6.

I too am in the 33rd, out of marseilles A. co engineers i am with a few guys from the effinham unit. how are things down south??