Air removal just marketing hype ?

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You ever farted in the swimming pool or lake? LOL Those bubbles always float to the surface, not to the bottom, and my fuel sump draws from the bottom, as do the draw straws so I don't see much air being in the fuel system that the airdog would have to supposedly remove.
Someone should put a hairline cut in a fuel line so it can draw air in and then see if the pump works good.
so when your driving all around the fuels sloshing all around, there's air bound to be in fuel that gets sucked up by the intake. Granted it's not like farting in a pool, but every little counts.
Im going to put an areator in my fuel tank, the more air going into the engine=less fuel= better mileage :rockwoot:

so when your driving all around the fuels sloshing all around, there's air bound to be in fuel that gets sucked up by the intake. Granted it's not like farting in a pool, but every little counts.

Thats what the stock fuel canister is for, VERY effective at keeping full and air free.
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Thats what the stock fuel canister is for, VERY effective at keeping full and air free.

OK, since your smart, I'll assume that's very true. Thanks for establishing that point.

Next step: dual modded pumps. Can the stock fuel canister flow enough and provide 3micron filtration? Don't think so with that tiny ID line

Enter FASS and AirDog. Filtration, water separation and air separation, what the stock canister from Dodge did, but at a higher volume and lower micron.

So, i fail to see the myth? Should I install my stock canister and fuel pump to supply my dual cp3's?

Air free fuel. I call it the DSFAS.....(Don's suck fuggin air system).

Throw a simple draw straw in a swashing tank and yeah....guess your looking for a "air dog or fass" at 1/4 tank.
I've been planning on getting a kit one of these days to get rid of the straw.

I'm sick of the 1/4 tank crap.
What 1/4 tank crap? Mean the airdog isn't removing......AIR.....:poke:

I never let it get close to 1/4 ;-)

I dunno if the air's doing anything against things or not. maybe it cost 2hp. The stock system as you say does it...No one's questioned and tested this outside of FASS/Airdog has anyone?
If you were to put air in your fuel system you could raise the mpg. On top of that put about a quarter tank of water in and you could have water injection... BADA$$!!!
I never bought my airdog for the air separation, always thought that was a bunch of bs. The water separation is a plus. I bought it for a good performance supply pump that is reliable. Although i would like to know how they figure the air separation after all when you drain the water from the filter it comes out water and then fuel, I've never noticed air to come out of it, but i guess if i left it open long enough air would eventually come out.
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