Aluminum 12v Head

I could care less. If they're not being used by superstock pull trucks then they aren't worth the money, and they seem to like spending a lot of it. Fwiw some of the big dogs run cnc ported hamilton heads, scheids rail and DPS top diesels run Hamilton heads as well.
I hope it proves to be a durable power adder...interested in flow numbers and port volume also..
Ok so is the head on the market yet or still just a pipe dream.
Talk to the guys with lawsuits against them, they should be able to tell you.
I'm betting bobodacious hasn't seen this, he preordered one a long time ago and after sending money the story went down hill...
I started another thread on extreme engine asking about both... True about the coin, but is anyone running the Indy? You have to go w/ John Deere Inj w/ the Indy and thats more dinero my friend...
Hamilton is coming out with a better head than his current one, which is already great. I would wait until he is done with that, if you really need an aftermarket head.
Since this is on Vendors Row, I figured someone w/ FATT would chime in...but if there are lawsuits, then I guess I can understand. As a lot of threads start out, just more of a way for one to be informed on a certain product. Obviously, it's easy to call or email a company, but they are still trying to sell a product in the end. Experience is usually the best way.