Are dhd dld planetarys interchangable??


Poor Boy Puller
Nov 1, 2009
i have a np241 dhd that came out of an automatic and i want to put a 29 spline input in so i can put it behind a five speed. I have a 29 spline input laying around that came out of a dld. the splines are cut different in the dhd planetary so it cant be just simply swapped. so i put the dld planetary in and the only difference i noticed is the gear on the back offviously. but the actual planetary is the same thickness and where the range sliding collar teeth are seem to be in the same spot. one i got the t case in with the dld planetary everything worked fine except it would pop out of low range. we think it may be doin that because we didnt have the snap ring that goes around the input shaft on. and we think the shaft is walking back and pushing the planetary back and causing the splines inside the planetary to unmesh with the gears on the sliding collar. Sorry this is such a long question but does anybody have an success with using a dld planetary in a dhd and do you think by having the snap ring put back on it will solve the problem or does it have something to do with that planetary?

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Seems like you have either a wide or narrow bearing input shaft. I never knew there was either of the two until i helped my friend 5 speed swap his truck and he was have the same issue, it would pop out 4 wheel or not go in. Look at the two front covers of the transfer cases side by side and you can see a noticable difference in the bearings pressed into the case and the input shaft sizes. You can easily press the bearings out and swap them for the correct bearing/input shaft use.
I have a wide bearing on the wide shaft because both cases i ve got parts from have the wide bearing.