Ashley Black on Pass Time

What happened on that run Ashley don't get me wrong that was nice but I know you have alot more in her.
Yea, that was the slowest pass that truck has ever made, no kidding. I thought everything was ready when we headed down. But when we got there, I just kept finding things that were wrong. Worked on it all day and it felt good on the street. So I thought it would be the first pass in the 10s. Not even close. The track was damp and cold(i made the pass around 1am) and a motor mount was broke I later discovered. The engine was sitting 3 inches higher on the driver side. The IC boot was ripped also. It was not a good day.

Oh yea, did anyone notice that I am VERY, VERY camera shy? LOL
Ashley Black is a rock star. !!!!

Shy? I thought you where playing it cool. :)
I've been waiting for one of the diesel drag racers to show up and play it coy... nice pass regardless.
I wish I could say it was my coolness. But to be honest, when I stepped out and about 12 cameras came at me like rockets, my coolness left quick.
I wish I could say it was my coolness. But to be honest, when I stepped out and about 12 cameras came at me like rockets, my coolness left quick.


Amen Brotha!
I'd have been the same way.

Sorry for the bad vid but I just recorded it off this small TV of mine.