Strictly Diesel

Comp Diesel Sponsor

For the 6th straight year, Strictly Diesel will be collecting NEW / UNWRAPPED TOYS during the entire month of November. We will have a large donation box in our lobby and would really appreciate any help in making this our best donation yet!

If you are in the Phoenix area and would be interested in making the toy delivery cruise up to Wickenburg with us (on December 2nd), you are more than welcome. We do this every year in conjunction with the Arizona Powerstroke Group and it's always a great time. The car show organizers give us an area to park the trucks and we all help unload the toys, check out the classic cars just generally hang out and BS in the parking lot.

For details about the cruise, check out the APG website here: Event Toys for Totz 2012!

If you are in the east valley and can't make it up to our shop to donate, we do have a friend in Mesa that will be taking toy donations all month long as well. Just let me know and I'll get you the drop-off information.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!