Auto tranny setup?


New member
May 8, 2007
Hey guys, I'm setting up my truck for some good sled pulling and messing around on the street. I have made up my mind on getting a tranny build by Goerend. What I can't make up my mind on is the intermediate shaft.

I have heard they are stonger and to put all 3 billet shafts in and I have heard to leave the stock intermediate shaft in for some give and flex.

The truck will be set up for 2.8 class. This will be in the NW that I pull and our tracks are no where near as hard as out east.

What are your thoughts?
i look at performance kinda like cooking, if you half ass it your gonna be sick and miserable, if your gonna have it built i would go ahead and have it completely done, make a weak spot u joints or something easier to get to!!:hehe:
when i had mine built from dave i talk to him about the inter and he said to leave it stock because the stock one and billet break at about the same point but he was looking and getting better inter shafts to he might have by know but when i got mine they were bascily the same
Also, whe you get to the end of the track do you put the tranny into neutral or just slowly let out of the throttle as to not bark the turb?
I bump it up into N and rev it a time or to to keep from barking. Just don't go too far and hit R and hit the sled..
do not leave the stock intermedaite shaft in there. if you break it your trans is no good. i only have billet input & intermedaite. use the out put shaft as your fuse. if you break that you can pop it out and slide a new one in. i pull every weekend w/ my auto. i broke the output shaft once in two years and i was glad i didnt waste the trans. i have a dunrite trans, which is basicly the same thing. good trans
You will get mixed feelings on the intermediate. As I have said before I do not an fuse in the driveline. Build it so it won't break. When things break recoil can destory many other things. I have seen stock intermediates handle alot of power. If yours is a high mileage stocker, get a new one. Talk to Dave he was working on some new intermediates that should be cheaper, and stronger.
I used to put mine to neutral, but not anymore, I just unlock the convertor.
Dave knows his trans. He built Garrets and it holds up just fine. I would think he can do a billet intermediate shaft. I know here awhile back Dave was going to do a trans for me and he said that the stock intermediate would hold up to a pile of HP. But I decided to go 5 spd instead.
I have heard of the lash when you go to N and that sheares parts. Is this true? I watched some video and I see most of the auto guys going to N and revving a few times to keep from barking the turbo. What about the back lash that happens inside the tranny when you do that?