billet cam


New member
Feb 9, 2009
looking to have a big cam cut looking to you for some good number someone to cut it send me a pm if you have some good info thanks
looking to have a big cam cut looking to you for some good number someone to cut it send me a pm if you have some good info thanks

Getting those sort of numbers out of folks probably isn't gonna be easy. Your gonna have to call up Haisleys or somebody to get something like that. I doubt they will give you the numbers on anything. But I'm sure they will be happy to sell you one.
see this is how I see it, I dropped 1800.00 bucks on my cam ( as of 1 month ago it was the largest cam scheids diesel made ) it cam with no specs at all other than the center line . did I bring it to a shop to have it spec'd out on a cam doctor ?? hell yes would I give those specs to someone so they can go and have my cam for 500.00 hell no!

the piont is ya gotta spend the coin to stay on top. the cheap bastards never win.
see this is how I see it, I dropped 1800.00 bucks on my cam ( as of 1 month ago it was the largest cam scheids diesel made ) it cam with no specs at all other than the center line . did I bring it to a shop to have it spec'd out on a cam doctor ?? hell yes would I give those specs to someone so they can go and have my cam for 500.00 hell no!

the piont is ya gotta spend the coin to stay on top. the cheap bastards never win.

agreed!! $.02
well in any other motorsport other than diesel - you could have the cam specs - so secrecy n bull****

you pay for it your entitled to the specs

If you want a good cam - with specs - give Colt Cams a call
they made an awesum cam for me

and gave specs and cam card
I have found the same thing from the guy who supplied us with ours. he gave no specs at all just told us that we needed longer push rods to handle it and what springs to run with it. no specs what so ever just "nasty" thats it. and like said before not cheap!
Thing is scheid doesn't grind their own cam's, so do a little research and you can cut out the middle man! For instance, I did a scerch for cam grinders on the net...made a few calls and found the guy that did the r&d on a well respected cam supplier for the dodge cummins and said he would put that grind on a cam for 150$! Whala...a cheap bastard with the same cam!:hehe:
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After rereading my post, i wan't to clarify that i was not sayn that a billet cam can be had for 150$ I was using that to show with a little research you can save a lot of $$$!!!
call enterprise i had a schied cam freshened my motor and changed to enterprise and truck pulled way better and cooler spooled faster etc.. thats all i will ever use
here is some specs from haisley's/scheids sled pulling billet cam.

Grind: 375-232/351-253-5
Lobe Centers: 105
Duration Ex @.050 Tappet lift 253
Duration In @.050 tappet lift 232

Valve lift is 1.5 Rocker .567Intake .527 Exhaust

98 - 100 degree centerline ATDC

advancing the centerline is supposedly supposed to help with low end..retarding cam timing is supposed to net you more power on the top end...but, I'm here to tell you it's not going to make that much of a difference.

Your welcome
here is some specs from haisley's/scheids sled pulling billet cam.

Grind: 375-232/351-253-5
Lobe Centers: 105
Duration Ex @.050 Tappet lift 253
Duration In @.050 tappet lift 232

Valve lift is 1.5 Rocker .567Intake .527 Exhaust

98 - 100 degree centerline ATDC

advancing the centerline is supposedly supposed to help with low end..retarding cam timing is supposed to net you more power on the top end...but, I'm here to tell you it's not going to make that much of a difference.

Your welcome

I think thats bull sh!t you post n up their info on here what a sell out!!
:woohoo. :badidea:

Maybe he's BSing n that's not really their actual numbers and that cam won't run for ****? Maybe those are an old cut card? Maybe he doesn't mind spending his money n saving others money? Or maybe he just cornholed Van and Dan and left the assembly lube off? ;)

You acting pissed about it kinda verifies there may be some validity to the numbers though cause others now might know what you have and that kinda sucks for you.

Better post would have been to have discreditted those numbers as being the real deal saying you do in fact have their cam, measured it and those aren't the numbers.

This got interesting now though. Throwing popcorn in microwave now. LOL
Any thread that is in reguards to cams turns into cat fight, or pissing match what ever you call it.
But if you read all cam topics, there is planty of information , you just need to collect it ............