Central Texas Dyno Day And Big Dawg Shootout!!!

yeah tyler after you left they trailer park we tried to start a fire and the owners came over and kicked if over. Then we built a fire on a little grill and put a grill on top started cooking chips on it. they called the cops and jared said if youlook close the fire is loosely based off a grill.

I thought I saw one of the Deputies snicker. Like they had never heard that story before.

Boy was that park manager pissed off. I would say mission accomplished :clap:
Hmmm...diesel guys and RV parks just don't seem to mix. Sounds like the last time we had something at an RV park and they created a new rule that said horse trailers were no longer considered RVs and not welcome in their park. We could have partied just as easy around a real RV, it just so happened we chose a horse trailer.

The "campfire" was closest to Harlan. So we all blame him again!
Right on...hey Dave who is the 500HP winner since you won't call a brotha back

Read about it on the website

I've been a little busy. Some of us work for a living. It took me a whole day just to feel normal again. Then there's people pinging me left and right wanting video and PICs and stats and posting this stuff doesn't just happen by magic.

It's on the website now.
Read about it on the website

I've been a little busy. Some of us work for a living. It took me a whole day just to feel normal again. Then there's people pinging me left and right wanting video and PICs and stats and posting this stuff doesn't just happen by magic.

It's on the website now.

you got any info on john fox...the guy from BD wants to know I've got him the other info he needs.

Send me a link to all you have for this year and last. I would like to post them.

Still working on it. I have 6 stories due by the end of the month and I still need to shoot 1 of them.

I will have the buda extra photos for you probably in 2 or 3 week (Both years). There are just so many photos that I have to go through (900 + last year and this year). I cannot do many more of this year photos until Diesel Power accepts the story and I know for sure that they won't need any additional photos. So, give me 2 or 3 weeks and you have some good ones to display on your site.