Compounding question....


New member
Apr 30, 2014
So heres the deal... I am building a 4 cylinder Isuzu 4BD1T 3.9L so its close spec wise to a Cummins. I have a pump capable of 500cc and 5500rpm and looking to have a fun street truck and do some county fair sled pulling shooting for 450-500hp if not more. Question is I have a hx35w & hx52 to build my setup but I would rather have a non gated turbo (even though I can block this one). Would an S200 & S300 setup be comparable or even an S200 & S400. I need to build a header and the S series uses a T4 flange as the HX35 uses a T3 and would rather build it once than use an adapter.

Thanks in advanced!