Deranged eats a bearing

I'll pitch in on rebuilding the turbos. Just send them to me or Rich.
Thanks Joe. No the slight miss in the video's was the video's. I used an 8 year old camera. It sounded normal in person.
Tim, my jaw dropped yesterday when I heard this news...and after seeing the just down right sucks. I hope you can find out what the failure was, to correct it, and get her back on the track man.
Sabotaged. Who did you piss off? He/they is/are your culprit(s).

Sorry to hear. On another note, Ellerton did 1070hp at BD in his 6.0L
Forgive my 6.0 ignorance guys, but are you sure it's a bearing? Aren't there any other bushings that could have cased the debris.
I mean damn, that much copper from a rod or main bearing? I would think it would make some noise.
It started making a tick/knock noise the same time we saw the first copper chips...but only under a load. At idle it sounded normal...figure that one out.
I've been inside a lot of motors...never seen anything like that before....ever.
With the amount of shavings pictured, there must be more then one bad bearing, or some other bushing that let go. I don't think one bearing has that much material in it...
Well...damn. Noise.

I guess regardless of the cause, that much metal in the system means that anything that oil touches needs looked at.

Again. Sorry for the luck.
Yeah, its ready to be pulled and disassembled. I should know in a few days. On a positive note, after Joe and Richard got done with it, the truck is truly ready for the track. It looked amazing. I hated cutting off the wire ties, and undoing all the good work that those guys did up top. Thanks to you guys, when the motor is back together, it will be ready.
Well chit! Damn sorry to hear this Tim. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.
Thanks Buddy. I just have to get some time to figure out whats wrong with it.
Forgive my 6.0 ignorance guys, but are you sure it's a bearing? Aren't there any other bushings that could have cased the debris.
I mean damn, that much copper from a rod or main bearing?.
I'm not 100% sure about that myself. I never had this Kind of issue with mine.
I agree though...that's a LOT of copper....sure am curious where it came from.
Is this contagious?? My supercharged 95 riviera beater car ate a bearing yesterday! It sucks but i can just send it too the junkyard an only loose $1300, i dont want to know what this is gonna cost you!
Just keep your chin up, Tim. Once it's rebuilt and you're waving at Shawn's record in the rear view, you'll forget all about it.

What does the wife think? LOL
Whatever Leonard, my point is Its not getting a Cummins, and that is about as old hearing in every thread anyone post in as it gets. You guys need a life outside of your motor.

Tim you know i'm just giving you a hard time like usual. i wouldn't expect to see a cummins in deranged. just like when ever i get around to building the d-100 it won't be a 6bt. it will only have four cylinders! i hope you figure out what went wrong and you can get it ready for TS.
we have seen a few of these engines come through with catastophic bearing damage, usually from main bearings. last one i did was the rear main bearing came apart and looked just like your screen. make sure to ck all the clearances on the block where the main bearing go. when i did it wasnt even close to being within specs. new short block. good luck.....
For that much copper....the only things it could be inside the engine are:

Cam bearings, rod bearings, or main bearings.

....something silly...but maybe the bearings were installed wrong. (Tops on the bottom, bottoms on the top.)??? Cam bearings not lined up correctly???
Not pointing any fingers Tim.
Even the best mechanics screw up once in a while...
What was the oil pressure doing??? It had to be taking a dive...

Good Luck Tim...
I don't even want to think of how you must feel...I would be suicidall...