Deuces CompD!!!

We should donate a compD sticker to put on the tank

Good luck. You should be able to get on the internet every couple weeks at least right? If you have extra time after calling family, jump on here and update us.
Good Luck brother! Come back soon and thanks for your service. Blow some chit up.
Stay safe bro..

Things to send..snacks that wont go bad,food, little single kool aid packets, crackers, spam, vienna sausages, dip, smokes, etc. Spaggetioes got me through alot. Beenie Weenies. Tons of socks helps. Gotta keep their feet in good shape. Foot powder and socks..I had probably 30 pair of socks and I used them all. Magazines, etc...

They have plenty of toothpaste and the likes more than likely. I know when I was deployed I got tons of "toiletries" that never got used. Send em some food and drink mixes, dip and smokes if they do that me. Food is great over there.
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EMBRACE THE SUCK is correct!!! I have until Oct before I go home. Best of luck to you.
good luck man and i like that quote. it was what our CSM would go around saying before they changed out our Battalions lol. be safe and come back home. i should be back in sept sometime and i hope its for good.
Ryan, you must be having the time of your life!!!!!!!!! I have been trying to sneak over there so let me know the must see places.
My Combat-Action Has Commenced...

TMoney, I have an MPAT round in the tube with your name on it...
are u in the service or a contractor? my wife just got back from there
what branch? gulfport-coast guard or navy possibly?

Active duty Marine Corps. My time here is done and I go back to the fleet in a week.

Ryan, I will get your address and put together something for your boys.
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