Dockboy makes 878 on #2 only.

Geez! Take it easy on us you walking book of cliches.. You should write a book "Cummins: Put Downs for Dummies". :hehe:

Give us a little time to grow into it. We're not all hardened up and tough skinned like you Duramax guys. :)

When your life consists of waking up every morning and not wanting to turn the key of your 500hp $50K daily driver for fear 8 rods will blow holes in your blacktop driveway, you don't mind seeing someone blow a cummins clean apart on a dyno once in a while.:Cheer:
FYI the Diamond Locks have 5 people in line right now with a 12 week lead time...... Better get on the list! Oh and they aren't cheap!

They are some magic sticks from Don M. Flux 7.somethings or BFI's as Don put on the packages!!:hehe:

Back when I built those, a 7 sized injector was a dream. They are actually a 4.3. For the 03-04 the biggest I have ever tried was a 7. Richard Brown used some to make the 1289 HP with a single and Nitrous.

Once you get that engine back together and making power, we can crank em up a tad:evil
Isn't that a football chant??:hehe:


I will be the first one to admit that tuning this CR is brand new to me!!!:eek: Ask those that know me, I talk to everyone and am not afraid to ask questions!! But there are some things you can only learn from personal experience. I'm not the type to just go out and buy a completed engine or truck because the challenge of building and tweaking it is what makes it interesting to me. Each one of these things are their own animal so you have to learn how your particular animal likes it.:poke:

I also didn't just go slap it on the the dyno, turn it all the way up, and see what it would do!! This session started out with the first run on a completely stock program that did 370 hp, to gradually turning it up over 2 hrs. and 16 runs to almost 900 hp. Did I make a mistake in the combination? Probably. But it was MY mistake and I will learn from that.

The razzing is expected, and honestly is pretty funny!:hehe: Some people take this stuff way too serious!! Usually the people that haven't done anything:hehe: But I'm also not so insecure that I need to hide my mistakes:poke:

Was you running the Smarty with or without timing? If you was running with timing and also let your tst set to auto timing= way to much timing. I usually turn my TsT timing off and let the smarty do the timing. Haven't had a lot of time to play with the hundreds of combinations yet, but I know I have tried timing on both and get nasty timing rattle with very little more than the timing on my smarty which still has the origional programing that it was very first released with.

Hope you get it back together soon.
Hey Greg! Great numbers................sorry to hear about the engine. I know you put a sh*tload of work into it - just doesn't seem fair. If we didn't have bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck, huh?! If there's anything I can do - please let me know.

Was you running the Smarty with or without timing? If you was running with timing and also let your tst set to auto timing= way to much timing. I usually turn my TsT timing off and let the smarty do the timing. Haven't had a lot of time to play with the hundreds of combinations yet, but I know I have tried timing on both and get nasty timing rattle with very little more than the timing on my smarty which still has the origional programing that it was very first released with.

Hope you get it back together soon.

If you're adding additional fuel with the TST ontop of the Smarty, you'll need additional timing as well. the problem here is that the TST and Smarty most certainly bring in duration and timing differently.
............I will be the first one to admit that tuning this CR is brand new to me!!!:eek: Ask those that know me, I talk to everyone and am not afraid to ask questions!! But there are some things you can only learn from personal experience. I'm not the type to just go out and buy a completed engine or truck because the challenge of building and tweaking it is what makes it interesting to me. Each one of these things are their own animal so you have to learn how your particular animal likes it.:poke:

I also didn't just go slap it on the the dyno, turn it all the way up, and see what it would do!! This session started out with the first run on a completely stock program that did 370 hp, to gradually turning it up over 2 hrs. and 16 runs to almost 900 hp. Did I make a mistake in the combination? Probably. But it was MY mistake and I will learn from that.

The razzing is expected, and honestly is pretty funny!:hehe: Some people take this stuff way too serious!! Usually the people that haven't done anything:hehe: But I'm also not so insecure that I need to hide my mistakes:poke:
Greg, Not asking enough questions and assuming is probably one of the biggest mistakes we all make. When it comes to first tests, I am always the one with my hands-on. Then if or when it goes wrong, the only person to blame is me. It bites when the first mistake comes early and out of your pocket, but you did learn something out of this. Not to get too technical on you here, but sit down one evening and write out a fault tree of all the things that could, might or you thing no-way could go wrong, and then ask a few of the folks who have gone this road before for some of their insight. Then while you are tweaking on the next runs, you can run that list through your head as a check. It is way too easy with software - 1's and 0's, to hit the wrong switch or combo or stack which might have been your demise here. There are a few who have walked the walk your doing, so a stupid questions might be better than parts on the floor. I know, I've been there on different projects, and kicked myself for not asking something I considered a stupid question or just assumed. $.02
Watching Dockboy blow a cumapart up in his first dyno session....priceless!

I love the fact it only took one dyno session to destroy the all mighty cummins and the cummins groupies are all torn apart by it.

I'm pretty sure Greg will move on as he always has...making it bigger and better....but the cumapart kids got an eye opener when they seen what their indestructible 6 in a row makes it blow can do under 900 rwhp. Let the excuses fly, boys!:bang

I remember a 03 d-max come apart at 630 or so. Lets see a stock bottom end d-max put over 800 to the ground. I think the Cummins has done more than prove itself:thankyou2:. Nothing is indestructable
I replaced the rods in my truck and wanted to go with those Cunningham rods. Scheid recommended otherwise. They say the stock Cummins rods are very strong but, to make them even stronger Cummins also sell "shot peen rods" which Scheids says they run in many of the 5000rpm plus trucks. Stock rods are known to split and the shot peening helps eliminate it. Probably a lot cheaper than the Cunninghams too. My $.02 :)
I remember a 03 d-max come apart at 630 or so. Lets see a stock bottom end d-max put over 800 to the ground. I think the Cummins has done more than prove itself:thankyou2:. Nothing is indestructable

True..... It just goes to show that it does not matter what you are building, if you are going to make big power its gunna cost big $$. The duramax has the dodge beat to 550-600 rwhp the cummins has the upper hand from 600 to 850 rwhp and I think its a wash after that till you get over 1200-1300 rwhp then the 12 valves rule. I am talking $$ to hp.

I am sorry to hear about your motor, that sucks. Now just build her back bigger and better.

Greg...i thought this would be a combo that even you couldn't break...i'm sorry to hear of the crappy luck, it is people like you that try different stuff to make our sport as great as it is . I wish you a speedy repair.
I think that cursed white Ford body poisoned the mighty Cummins, and that's why it blew up. In my limited experiences, there is something fishy with transplants and longevity. Silicone transplants come to mind!

When I was younger, we put a big red 3-wheeler motor into a blown up YZ 250 bike. We called it the Frankenstein bike. It was a real crawler for sure but it blew up in less than a year. I have had lots of Honda Big Red 3-wheelers and never had one blow up. But for some reason, the cursed Yamaha frame claimed the mighty, indestructible Honda 200 cc engine!
Must have been the rusty Cummins...they don't like that you know!

Either that, or the Ford body is rejecting the donor...needs more anesthetic;);)
