DrSpeed sweeps Pulls - Royal City, WA

Nice !!!!:drive: :ylsuper:

Good Job on the camera angles
You guys are freakin' hilarious...totally crack me up!

Dood, not just a Chinaman, but one in shorts and flip flops...at a Wrangler and Double H event....that was awesome.

Yep, I was playing a bit with the camera angles..kind of thought it was cool. Need to mount the undercarriage cam somewhere not as bouncy...
good job bro! one truck per class sweeps are the best sometimes! lmao.

go man go!!!
Awesome camera angles. Thats what i'm planning on doing with the new truck. What kind of cameras and recorder were you using?
Awesome camera angles. Thats what i'm planning on doing with the new truck. What kind of cameras and recorder were you using?

Two cameras:

On the outside -


And on the inside:

Man I love it, Ford guys at stock height have issues with hopping but you are out the with 12" springs and a big power cummins and kickin ass.... I love it

Your truck is truly bad ass.... I love the 40's, if I could do it I would in a second