Edge Drag Comp vs Edge Comp (no drag)


New member
Aug 27, 2009
I just have a few questions to those that run these two boxes. I just purchased a edge drag comp (hot) not sure if "hot" and "drag" are considered the same or not, and I have ditched the quad adrenaline because I was sick of the problems I was having with it. Im just wondering. Is the difference between the stock comp box and the drag comp noticeable. What I mean by noticeable is that can you tell if its fueling harder than the normal. Im just wondering if the extra money I spent for the Drag version was worth it. The box will be delivered to my by thursday so i'll be able to tell you the difference between it and the adrenaline, but i wont know if there is a difference between it and the regular comp..

Yeah the search function is up at the top... but I'm lazy :bang
Thanks guys!
I noticed the difference in my 99 when I added level 6 to the mix. It actually smokes and moves better. the hot is the new term for the drag comp because the juice has hot unlock. I am not sure if you bought new or used, but to me it's worth it. I run the drag comp on my 01 but it's got a lot of fuel now I guess I could put a stock comp on it and see how it works.
Yeah, I thought "hot" was used as the same as the "drag", I just wasnt sure. I bought it used from a guy, but I paid a little more than what I could have bought a regular comp for. Wasnt sure if it was gonna be worth it or not for that little extra kick in the pants
I had a juice with atd and the hot unlock and also had a comp box and a drag comp(hot) and the drag comp made the most power and ran the fastest at the track.
I dynoed Adrenaline vs Drag comp 2 months ago back to back. The Drag comp poured smoke all of the time. I ran 5x5 & hit 600hp. I loaded the new dyno tune into the Adrenaline & ran pl10 & did 607hp right out of the box with no tuning.
Yeah, Ive seen some extra horsepower out of the adrenaline on the dyno, but I was having a lot of hardware problems from the adrenaline module i was running. Im gonna kinda miss the custom tuning, but we'll see what she'll do this friday when I get my truck running again.
Have to send it to edge to let them update the comp. The juice you can call and get a code for the hot unlock.
you could buy one from someone used that already has the unlock, i'm sure if you were to talk with one of the vendors you could have them send one to edge and then straight to you from there, I think you have to sign a waiver to let them unlock it also.
I got my drag box (hot box) from source automotive as a new unit. I believe it was made this way from the beginning too. The ones I've seen that were updated had hot written on them. Mine has it as part of the normal label. I threw my box into a friends truck while mine was down for some work. He has the normal comp. It made a huge difference. The truck poured smoke, and would light tire with easy. With his regular comp box on there, it won't spin them at all.
Drag (or hot unlock) Comp really shines at higher RPMs and on levels above 3, should be good for about 20-40HP over a regular comp. It also carries the fueling above 2700 to about 3400RPM.
Sweet. Its coming in the mail today, but my truck wont be up and running until either friday or saturday... damn FASS 150 in my truck went out on new years, left me stranded. Now Im just waiting for a replacement pump to come in.