mine usually cruises at 600-650 doing between 73-75 MPH on mostly flat interstate, Mine has hit 1550 twice when I was doing probably 60-65 and put it to the floor it by the I got to 100MPH it was around 1550 I let out of it then both times not sure if I kept in it if it would drop or not as described above. In 1/4 mile run in 4 wheel drive mine wont get above 1300
Well I need to do something with my high egts and I need some solid answers. I just need some help so I can drive it.
does your boost run high all the time? I wouldnt fool with the dp. I would make sure everything is working correctly first. If so you could always do the intercooler.
my boost runs 28s. I spiked to 34 maybe one time...theres a chance I looked at it wrong but i doupt it.
What about spraying the intercooler with Co2 or nitrous wont this help with EGT's??? has anybody tried that????
I dont know anything about that. I talked to DJ and he wrote me a new tune, so i have to wait till this weekend to try it out. I doupt its the tune though.
spraying it isnt going to help. He cant spray it all day. So you are running 28 lbs of boost all the time? It never drops down? What was done when the lift went on anything? Sounds like it is in a strain. What kinda tranny temps are you seeing?
It runs 28 lbs of boost when i'm at wot. Do you think there was something done wrong when the lift went on? Maybe something with my front end, like the auto locking hubs. Those are froze right now i need to change them...would that make any difference. They arnt locked in cause the wheels in the back spin and not the front. I did some more testing yesterday and i got up to 760 degrees when I'm going down the highway at 62. When wot I got to 1480 then when It shifted into 5th it started dropping back down. Also I bought the updated boot for the charge pipe off the turbo because it blew off, anyone use different is it?
He was asking if i hit over drive or not when i reached 1600 degrees. Should I even get to 1600?