Electric water pump/thermostat?


New member
Jun 26, 2006
Those of you that are running electric water pumps.. are you running at themostat? Anyone putting a plug where the thermostat would block off?
Any opinions??
I have tried to run without thermastat and temp would rise until I turned on pump, then cold. With thermastat back in works good.
That's kind of the issue we were worried about.. I guess some cycle enough with the thermostat.. We'll just put in a lower temp thermostat..
It will overheat without a thermo in alot of cases, the fluid doesnt stay in the rad long enough to be cooled...
Sorry.. this will not be on a DD truck.. pulling only.. and a few runs down the road and back...
I am running an electric water pump and thermostat. Drilled three holes in the thermo. It runs consistantly 190 but does take a little longer than normal to get there. This summer when we had 115* heat index after a run my temp gauge read around 205. After letting it idol for about 5 mins it was right back to 190
I am running an electric water pump and thermostat. Drilled three holes in the thermo. It runs consistantly 190 but does take a little longer than normal to get there. This summer when we had 115* heat index after a run my temp gauge read around 205. After letting it idol for about 5 mins it was right back to 190

I tried to run one on my dd and it wouldn't keep it cool enough. I tried it with and without a thermostat. The daily temps were averaging 105*.