Engine runs backwards....?


Diesel Inside
Jan 27, 2007
So ever since I raised my timing to 33* with the revised injectors(5x14s) and full cut DVs, I have a hell of a time trying to start it(go figure with that much timing on a factory 215 pump with no bench tuning) and sometimes during cranking the thing fires up but runs backwards. How many have this issue when timing is raised above 30*? I never had this issue until I bumped the timing above 30* and am confused on why it would do this....any remedies to prevent the thing from running backwards during start-up? Lower the timing back down?

Thanks, Joe
Ive seen the texas diesel funny car start in reverse at scheids this year

you can tell its running backwards cause black smoke comes shooting out the turbo inlet :hehe:
run the schied juice. it took a can of ether to keep my truck running without it. now i can start it without ether.
Ive had it happen several times as well, just kill it and re start. Maybe lower your timing to ~28*? Also if your pump requires some throttle input to crank like mine with the CDS 5k kit, get er turning over 'then' give it a bit of pedal; dont crack the go pedal then start cranking, this is just what ive found to work.
my timing is set at 30* and i have to do the same thing.. give it a little throttle when i start cranking.
you can tell its running backwards cause black smoke comes shooting out the turbo inlet :hehe:

Exactly, sounds kinda funny and with smoke coming out the inlet, its running backwards.

Well, sounds typical with the high timing, I do have to put the pedal down a bit to get 'er started with CDS 5K kit. I think I will try giving it a good couple rotations of cranking before putting any pedal to it and see how that works. My main thing is I try and heat the hell out of it before I start it, like having the block heater plugged in for at least 2 hours to get that coolant warmed up. Once it's all hot and bothered it fires right up.....:)

at 30* my truck starts without ether down to mid 40's, just takes about 15 seconds of cranking before it catches. i did however start it a few weeks ago when we had a cold night (low 40's) and after idling a minute or two, i went to move it and blipped the throttle once and I guess it put the fire out with too much fuel. it kinda sputtered, then lots of white smoke, then nearly died and somehow cam back to life after i thought it was shut off, but it was making the most god awful racket and rattle, and i turned the key off.

started it back up and it was fine...i even told my father i was pretty sure it started running backwards.