Ether spraying confession

I think we need to give a shoot out the Ether Man and get him back involved in the certification classes. Our sport is in danger and we need to be saved asap. Ether Man Please help!
I have not seen Ether Man here in quite a while. Proper certification takes time.
Here is a pic from the last known Ether Spraying class........Ether man does not play....In this photo he made Barry aka the Naked Chef redue a start because he was not present on the previous one.


Well, that is the sign of a true professional, dedicated to making the use of ether safe. I applaud his tenacity.
Your supposed to use it to start motors? I always used it for a blow torch.
Though I don't use it on my truck,....I do keep a couple cans around as "crowd pleaser's"...LOL


Here is a picture of a guy improperly trained at an Arizona diesel shop trying to start his truck.

LMAO....I think I know that guy....he suffered only minor flesh wounds...
I'll be glad to set up and assist with training classes involving the proper usage of ether for tire inflation/ bead seating, (hey y'all watch this) I still have witnesses too.

Where's the burnout emoticon?

That's the only reason we keep it around the place. It makes seating the beads on tractor tires a breeze. And everyone still has all their digits........
Dangerous indeed! just sniffing the fumes can have dire consequences!

Just look at THIS poor soul!

Improper Ether use is no laughing matter. Unofficially, it's the official leading cause of Ethermayostigneosis (don't Google will be horrified).

It can lead to such things as running with scissors, swimming right after eating, the urge to not burn your fingernail clippings, and worst of all, it can make you respond to a Nigerian scam email.


Thank you Dal for reminding us all! :clap:
Damn, that is careless and reckless, I am shocked. :doh:

We also use either in our potato gun...what do you think about that??

I want in...where do I sign up? I'll bring the matches LOL

Just show up, we have ether by the case...and a couple times a year we have a whole skid of it:D

you didn't need Ether you dangerous threat to society!!

I used the starter LOL

Done that too...even loaded tractors on trailers like that.

Can i be the first un-official member if this clan?'re just a little guy, you can fit in tighter spaces to get a more direct shot!!

OK then...I'm gonna be the founding member of the Outlaw Ether Spraying Association...the hell with rules and safety, ether is for blowing chit up!!


I would like to join your fine organization Chris, if that Dennis Perry is involved with the other, before you know it diamond encrusted can holders will be mandatory, not to mention he's no fun :poke:

I want in...where do I sign up? I'll bring the matches LOL

Matches?? Screw that, I have detonators :evil :evil
Is the special Billet can holder still included in the Ether class tuition? I thought that special had ended.
I would like to join your fine organization Chris, if that Dennis Perry is involved with the other, before you know it diamond encrusted can holders will be mandatory, not to mention he's no fun :poke:

Matches?? Screw that, I have detonators :evil :evil

Welcome Billy...we can keep your hairstyle going for you free of charger...eyebrows may be touch and go though :D :D

We are all about function in this group, for will follow after numerous explosions ;)