External wastegate


New member
Feb 19, 2011
I am in the process of putting a s480 under my super b special, and I am wondering how this setup will work with the internal gate on the super b. I have read that I should install a external gate , but at this time I just can't do it. Will I be restricting top end boost with the bd gate. I plan on adding a ext gate down the road , but not for a few months. Will this affect driveability? Thanks
It will work just fine just adjust the internal wastegate down to start opening about 20psi an be fully open by 30psi. You can use the regulator on your air compressor to help make the adjustments etc pretty simple just takes some time an tuning to find the sweet spot.
Can I regulate drive pressure easier with the ext gate? I plan on sprayin the truck with meth. Will I be able to do this with the internal gate, I know I should use nitrous until I swap gates but not sure about water/meth.
Know there is no magical formula For figuring hp with this setup. But roughly what numbers should I see with this combo. I will be upping the timing to somewhere in the high 20s. Thanks
Youll be fine with just internal gate that setup should be good for 700 fuel and still have room for some spray. Its all about tuning that gate in. Not having wastegate tuned properly will make or break hp in a twins setup.