Fuel Leak


New member
Mar 12, 2008
I'm got a 93 truck i'm working on that has a leaking ksb. Its leaking fuel around the flange between the two torx bolts on the bottom. My question is can you pull that and reseal it with out pulling the pump? And if so does anyone have a part number for the seal that needs replaced. Thanks for any help.
It's really simple. Take your time and watch how the parts come out in order. I just put a M&H spacer in between my ksb and pump. I'm no super star mechanic, but I got it. I'm sure a local Bosch certified injection pump shop could get you pointed in the right track with that seal. I know it's green in color.
I think I got the seal found. Thanks for info. If it's the right one ill post up the bosch number for everyone.