
Bumpity. Offers will be entertained or entertaining depending of coarse on the amount of said offer.......
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Yeah, Ill snap one and see how big I can make it and post it here.

I grew up on Buchanan st near 104th just up the road from you. I went to St. Micheal's until 3rd grade when I moved across the river. I lived in that little trailer park off from Leonard.

I wonder if we know each other, cville is not that big????
Nice I lived on 68th till I bought a house in Marne. I also went to st. michaels. Where are you now maby I'll just come look at it if your still around here.
I am in Lynchburg Va right now. Been thinking about opening a shop in Muskeegon though.

Small world eh?

Ill get those pics up in a few.