H&S mini max vin locked?

Plug it into your truck or another truck and see if it works.
go through the menu, it'll tell you the last truck programmed and if the program in currently installed.
funny related story. I found a used MM on craiglist local to me. Call the guy and ask if its unlocked, he says "yep, good to go, but you'll need cables since I lost mine when I moved after I sold the truck..."

So I show up with my laptop, plug it in and what do you know its still locked to his 2008 ford. I asked him what about being "good to go", he said well.. umm, I had to leave the program on the ford because I didnt have the stock emissions stuff to go back on when i sold it.

freaking unreal, so you thought I would take your word for it???
Nice try you F-n scammer!!!
goto show settings menu in the tuner, it will say download installed or download not installed