Having a edge programmer problem


cnc machinist/programmer
May 1, 2008
I'm pretty sure something is not quite right with me programmer. I have not had time to mess with it yet but I'm slowly working on it. So far what I know is when chip is turned up to level 5 I'm not getting much smoke out of it just a little. Then when I turn the chip down to level 1 it smokes like crazy almost like it's working backwards. I don't think this is possible but I could have hooked something up wrong I guess. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what to look for when I start investigating into it. Also recently dynoed the truck just for fun and from settings 3-5 It dynoed pretty much the same horsepower between 455-460. Could mean wire tap to vp not working correctly. Not sure just open for ideas. It's just not making sense to me.