heater core delete-coolant bypass


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 16, 2016
Hey guys,

I am going to be removing my heat and A/C in a 1995 12valve NV4500.

Can I just plug the holes where the heater lines originate from and terminate to? Do i need to run a hose from one to the other?

Can I possibly plum my bypass from the rear freeze plug to one of the holes? I plan to make my own bypass with a Watts 530C like UNBROKEN did in his write up.

Just looking for the cleanest way to do this possible.

Thanks for any input.
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I'm going to re-post this is the 2nd gen tech area. see if it gets any more replies.
From what I've gathered, a bypass seems to work best when plumbed downstream of the thermostat. I've seen it done both ways though. Either downstream of the thermostat or into the heater core return which winds up at the water inlet or the suction side of the water pump. Some have even gone straight to the water inlet connection rather than tapping into the heater core return.