Help with a clutch


New member
Jan 3, 2010
01 vp driven truck probably never see more than 600hp
only going to have 150 sized injectors for this year.
Want a dual disk forsure knd of thinkng the valair 3400 with hydros.

What's the advantage/disadvantage of a billet flywheel over one with replacable brass inserts. How often do they need to be rebuilt.
Spring hub solid hub? I know spring is supposed to be smoother but does it
make that much of a differance?

I will pull once or twice this year ( just to try it out)
go to the drag strip a handful of times and mostly daily drive it with the occisional launch on the street. Havnt towed too much or to often yet. Will
be carrying around 1500-2000 lbs in the box often though.
I just put in a valair 3800lb DD sprung hub with billet flywheel in my truck. From what I have read the non sprung hubs are very lound, my sprung hub is super quiet. The main reason that I went with the billet is that valair didn't have the cast flywheels for the sprung hub DD yet, which they still might not. But the billet is SFI approved, which can't hurt.
I went from a 3250 DD sprung hub to a 3600 sprung hub, no difference in pedal at all. So I decided to go to 3850 & pedal still feels good. Last summer my 3850 Iron Giant died and I switched to a 3850 Iron Giant with Sintered iron discs & solid hub. This clutch is smoother than the 3250 was? I mean like butter smooth! When I tell people, they don't believe me, until they sit in the drivers seat themselves. It feels like a single disc clutch. Best of all, it is the only Sintered disc I've heard of that doesn't squeek at all, not even a chirp? My brother loved my clutch and decided to get the same clutch for his truck, but wanted a diaphragm pressure plate. It is jumpy, squeeks loud and has a hard pedal. He is kicking himself for that decision every day. LOL I always recommend a solid hub for anyone sled pulling because I've seen too many clutch failures due to melted springs. Been there myself.
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