Info needed on lpm

How does DDP come up with their LPM's being so high?Like mine being rated at 70LPM.
There are a few companies that list their LPM in an exaggerated fashion.

Visualize this; a single(1) nozzle with 5 orifices ~ 0.014", and a liter of any liquid. Now, you are telling me that you can move 70 liters of fluid through a nozzle of that size in one minute @ ~ 100BAR or < 1500psi? Or, could it be that is a bogus number as being compared to the standard measure by nozzle manufacturers? Could it be that number is inflated due to the rating being found by using compressed air? And if the flow rating number being used is increased by a factor of 10-15, then the allowed tolerance in balancing is also increased by a factor of 10-15? Some companies will tell you they flow to 0.1LPM, which sounds like a small amount of variance, but again, it isn't. Not when you compare it to those that use the Bosch standard, and calculate flow rating down to a thousandth of a LPM and balance to within +/- 1% overall.