Injector Flow Sheet ?s


Spent more to go slower
Sep 8, 2007
Had a set of injectors that I took in on a trade checked out and flow tested before I install this weekend. Was told they looked great and checked out fine. The technician that checked them was not there when I picked them up so I couldn't ask any questions about the flow sheet that I was given. So I figured I would post it up here and someone would be nice enough to explain what the delivery and return numbers are, whats a good or bad number, etc. These had stock nozzles in place which will be replaced with something else on install this weekend.

Thanks for the help.

Well from my understanding of flow sheets and how it was explained to me on my injectors is the delivery and return rates on at each presure level is what is in each colume. The measurement that is used is mm3 for the fuel flow. So number 6 injector was flowing 101 mm3 and returning 31 mm3 at 700 presure. Anyways thats how I understood it.