june 2 in ukiah


my licence plate says it
Dec 13, 2009
whos going to make it.. im hopefully going to make it..
napa june 30 is napa...
Ukiah is definitely happening for me, then willits and napa on the 29th and 30th.

anyone else going? looking forward to my first hook for "my money pit" this year..
you had better after not showing up last weekend
looks like its just going to be us tom..
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I'm sure others will show. It seemed like back in 2005-2009 we posted alot more on here or other forums and kept tabs on each other alot better than we do now. Has anyone heard from Cole? Is he gonna make it to this one?

Thanks for posting this Adam. This year I am going to pay $200 to win Super Street Diesel, $100 for second place. Street Diesel will pay $100 to the winner. See you there!
Tom - that is a fun little weekend. It is even better when you stay in Ukiah on Friday night...this time we are using your ice chest lid!!!
i do plan on making both that weekend Tom..
the reality is im only about 20 miles from napa and about 100 miles from willits..
its getting closer.. looking forward to my first hook of the year..
wish I could be there to watch, but health issues are keeping me very close to home.

Good luck