just a little run with the new tune amd pumps

Well guees I needed the speedo in there. If u can't hear it amd know then I guess u will never get it. That's a s472 making 50+ psi but what do I know. And the second half the vid was from 65-115.

Are you meh about the run or the fact that it didn't include rods exiting stage right?

Sorry, had to jab.

OP, looking forward to seeing it go down the track at brads next week. You and I have similar mods besides tuning.
My rods stayed put.

Meh with the lack of sideways drama getting on the highway
Oh it was spinning, look at how long the tach stayed pegged , I just got lucky and steered into it all the way down the on ramp.

Looking forward to seeing u at poncis too.
looked like a converter flashing to me. You can see enough of the speedo and it didn't follow the tach.
Converter was locked. If it was converter flashing then how can I get rid of it. Never had it do that until now.
Watch your video very closely. It appears as if the RPM's just hang high and the speedo catches up slowly. It's unlikely that you'd have zero steering correction if you were spinning from 30mph to 80mph.
So would it be converter or trans slippin. On ramp was straight though and my tires make little noise when slipping.
Either way I'm happy how it runs amd next weekend will tell me times and hp. Just posted yhe vid cuz I think its cool to hear big chargers get it goin. If it trans or converter or tires slipping its all good.
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Your lucky yours has sound...my new 472 is about as quiet as it gets.

Kinda spooky quiet