Just braggin a little on the 2wd toyota wannabe puller!

Well, Here's another pull, broke the pinion this time. and ended up in the wrong gear without lockup. Oh well, I'll work some bugsout this winter and try again next year!


Lol, please someone tech me how to embed vidoes on here!
Well you have the hook and the power to break stuff lol. now comes the fun part of dumping cash to keep factory parts alive or cross the line that will leave ya with less carnags but also less versitility. Ask me how i know lol.

That lil 353 is working its tail off.. lol i like it.
Dale, did you see in the last vid how the torque converter stalled out and my engine still had plenty of go? That's why I want to force lockup with a switch. It should keep my speed up a lot longer.

I also have some turbo tuning to do to get it to make better power on the high end. My EP is too high above 3500, I need the small VGT to back off more when the big one comes up. A few more hooks and I might get her tuned in! I know the guy that owns that sled, and I think he'll let me pull it a few times this winter just for test & tune. Our season is over here.
You can make it lockup with EFI tuning.have it come on a few mph above 1st

Adam I had mine locking before it went into 2nd now its locking like 4 to 5 miles Jr after 2nd.
