leaving for basic 20101213


Aug 23, 2010
enlisted in the navy recently
im pretty new to the site just wanted to see if any one on here is in the navy or has been on subs to see if they liked it or not iv been considering goin subs but have'nt decided yet or not
Son of a b your not there yet no need for the crazy year month day stuff

I prefer the 13SEP10 much easier to understand

What rate?
as it stands E1 and personal specialist its some paper pushin job im lookin to get out from underneath QUICK
yea f that PS garbage don't let anyone pressure you into anything and its not easy to "crossrate" either, wait for the rate you want no matter how long it takes or it'll be a long four or five years bud. Also pick a rate that you can use once you get out.
yeah i put in a dar for anything mechanics just hoping for the best i figured id try to get a degree while i am its free y not
I was a boatswain's mate, im in the seaman to admiral program for pilot right now but i would NOT suggest being a ps, it takes forever to make rank and yes you work in an office. Enginmen, Machinist mate, Gas turbine...if you want to work your @ss off those are the way to go. oh and DO NOT TAKE THE UNDESIGNATED PROGRAM option lol that was my mistake and its terrible.
yeah im really lookin in for machinist mate i aint got any problem workin as long as i as i can hop on a boat or sub and get out
You are leaving December 13th? That doesn't make sense, exodus will start a week later.....
Well Im on the way to Dallas now to ship I'm stuck in ps but I'm keeping a open mind and hoping for the best
Good luck man. If you see this post I would personally try to get into any special operations program you can while you are at bootcamp.

I came into the navy as an Aircrewman, went to aircrew school then AE (electrician) school and then to p3c flight engineer school and spent 6 years as a flight engineer. If you are into mechanical stuff and learning in depth how engines, compressors and all kinds of other aircraft systems work, the flight engineer program is awesome for that. I really enjoyed being a flight engineer, just wish the p3 was a newer aircraft that did not break down all the time.

After those six years I got into a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) program and now fly small UAV's for the SEAL teams out of San Diego. It is awesome duty, but you can't do it straight out of bootcamp.

If you can get into SWCC or EOD or anything like that I would do it, wish I had when I joined the navy. They have a lot of funding and get the best things. EOD is not part of SOCOM, but their funding is still huge and the training is pretty good. I have been thinking of crossrating out of AWF if I can. Being part of SOCOM is completely different than the rest of the Navy, I like it a lot.

My brother is in the Seabee's and hates it. Too many people who think they are marines there. . . he says muster and all that crap is really stupid in the seabee's.

Any rate dealing with paperwork like PS would be crappy in my opinion.

good luck with boot camp. Its pretty easy, I'm sure you will be fine.
boot wasnt to bad all it is is attention to detail and military bearing i would say get to know the ranks and 11 general orders now or youl kick your own a$$ later for it
yeah i forgot my general orders like right after. being a PS would be fuking gay. go buds/eod...or boatswains mate haha :Cheer:
boot wasnt to bad all it is is attention to detail and military bearing i would say get to know the ranks and 11 general orders now or youl kick your own a$$ later for it

oh and let me know if you get stationed in norfolk
will do im hoping for west coast or down south but you know how that goes its just a hope