Leaving Indiana


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Heading down either Tuesday night or early Wednesday. Probably Tuesday night cause I'm going down alone. Not going to try and drive straight through. Anyone wanting to follow or even ride along is welcome. I'm leaving from Shelbyville, IN.
You gonna come through Birmingham? I'll take you out for a bite if you do.
Which way you going down? We are leaving tuesday night also.
Thought u were flying! I'll go whichever way. Wanna meet up? Got plenty of room in the trailer if you need to put anything in it.

No we are driving down. I will call you tommorow. Depends on the weather, if they cancel school we will head out earlier than planned.
Let me know. I have no problem leaving work early. Need to anyways. Never got around to changing the oil in the truck.
We should be pulling out of N. Ga, around 7am tomorrow. I'll have the truck on trailer when I drop my son off at school.
Anthony we stopped in chester SC. The kids had enough for one day.
Dam, wish I would have seen this sooner I woulda hopped in the truck with ya!
If I wasnt picking up a new truck Tomorrow, I woulda gave ya some company. I aint as good looking a Sarah...But I can pull off a 2 peice just as well ;)