Limped tranny...


green machine
Jan 9, 2008
i bought a bully dog triple pup downloader about a month ago and it works awesome. I was kind of hesitant on taking to extreme, until my trans had time to relearn. Any way the other night i was coming home and a 24 valve pulled up next to me so, i figured i see what she can do. Up until about 94 it held strong and then it limped at about 97 mph. When i did this, did i hurt anything? or is it fine but, if i keep doing i know something will be damaged. but now i put it back on tow setting and it still shifts like a dream.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
it is more than likely perfectly fine, but each time it is limped it becomes easier and easier for it go into limp mode. so unless you plan on tranny upgrades i would be careful....esp putting that much power all through the gears, which is the hardest on the stock tranny
yeah on my way up to mid 80's and 90's it felt like it was bucking but, i should of backed out of it. But, then again it is always fun calling ATS and putting a trans that will hold the bully dog and still have a lot of room for upgrades in the future...
But, thank you for the input Dave
build it before you break it....... Do you know what tap cells are?