Live coverage of the Desert Diesel Nationals on 1320go

Do we have to join to view this? I recall something about an NHRDA member discount if we did want to sign up for 1320go? Anyone have info on that?

Michael Pliska
It is absolutely beutifull out here at the track, and the vendor row is starting to fill up fast! We have a lot of competators already showing up, including John Robinson, Chad Riley, Shawn Ellerton, Matt Maroni, Wide Open Diesel Performance, Jefferson State Diesel amongst others!! Our NHRDA Race line has been blowing up with phone calls all week and we are expecting a great turnout!!!

We just found out from Victoria here at Speedworld that in addition to our 1320 live timing we are doing, Speedworld has a live track camera located right behind the starting line that anyone can access online. The web address is Home

We also want all of the racers to know that the photographer that will be taking all of the track pictures is David Sandoz. His website is Domain Names, Web Hosting and Online Marketing Services | Network Solutions and he will have all of our event pictures he takes online on his website for purchase after the event!

We would like to thanks the title sponsor our our 2011 NHRDA race season MBRP and also Stricktly Diesel, the title sponsor of the 2011 Desert Diesel Nationals for making all of this possible! Without great sponsors and all of our great members we would not be able to make all of this happen!

We are looking foreward to seeing all of you and are ready to kick our season off with a bang!!!