local street classes


New member
Oct 29, 2010
we have a local street class where all the trucls are mostly daily driven and anywhere in the range from stock 300hp to 650 hp and our organization thinks we need to have air shutoffs on the trucks cause they are way out of hand lol. Does anyones local series require shutoffs on the street class or is this just absurd ????
Our org only requires them in our unlimited class. Most are twin turbo 800+ hp trucks.
Our street class is 1200hp 2.6 trucks so yes some sort of kill is required. Air or Electronic. I kill power to my ECM.
We dont require them but im planning on one anyway. Whats to loose? $30 in material if you make it yourself and you have a safely devise at all times.. Piece of mind in my opinion
I want to build a air shut-off for my truck, and i don't even pull/race it. :hehe:

I'm always afraid of losing a seal or o-ring and end up having a runaway. Or use it as an anti-theft device.
ive always heard the horror stories of it mistakenly being pulled and trashing a turbo.