Los Banos fair pull May 6th

oh ya the bathroom... i doubt ill have everything sorted out by then but crazier chit has happened..
Seriously, no one else is going? I think Cole Dow said he's racing that weekend so he won't be there. Any one else?

Tom, you missed a lot of bull**** drama last summer and people are playing friggin childish games and not supporting VTPA, thought it would go away and people would grow up but it looks like maybe not, it's a shame really.
i wish i could go.. i just hope to make redding these days.

You want to bring me up to speed? I know back in '05-'06 we had our share of issues with VTPA but we still went to some of their events. I guess I just need to know if its going to be worth my while to spend the money in fuel to go to Los Banos. I pulled with them at Tulare but then again I was the only diesel pickup there, and one of three pickups total.

and ill post the videos later tonight
and nice hook glad you made it out and nice to put a face with a truck
I thought I got 3rd, and missed 2nd by less then 1'? It's what I herd anyhow.
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